I believe there are alien species out there, the law of averages suggests that we cannot be the only intelligent (yes I know!) life form in the universe.
I think it highly unlikely that they will do as the science fiction films suggest, and appear in a meadow somewhere in rural America.
It's always a meadow isns't it - they never fetch up in downtown Harlem where refusal to move their saucer from by a fire hydrant would get them a quick smack upside the head from the local beat cop's nightstick.
No, I think far more likely is a species that has no physical form at all, and may communicate by scent, or telepathy, the possibilities are endless of course.
What we have to hope is that they are not like the aliens in the film Independence Day, who simply want to loot all the earth's resources, and then move on.
We shall see, but this latest kerfuffle will shoot the conspiracy theories even further into the public consciousness, so plenty more numpties to crop up on the Internet.
Still, it stops us thinking about even more dreadful possibilities, like Biden or Trump being the next president for example!