Crosswords1 min ago
So When Do I Get My Share?
28 Answers
https:/ / /news/u k-polit ics-666 07841
..I assume they will be distributing their wealth among us as per the socialist credo.
..I assume they will be distributing their wealth among us as per the socialist credo.
The big problem with socialists is that they eventually run out of other people's money.
09:52 Sun 27th Aug 2023
I thought I was reading the Daily Mail/Express in TTT’s link, and not the BBC.
For a more authoritative view of what The Socialist Party stands for, see the link below.
https:/ / cialist party.o ocument s-and-m anifest os/what -we-sta nd-for/
For a more authoritative view of what The Socialist Party stands for, see the link below.
hymie, that's not the same party.
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Socia list_Pa rty_of_ Great_B ritain
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Socia list_Pa rty_(En gland_a nd_Wale s)
In Scotland free prescriptions, university places, yes, but also slightly higher income tax rates.
But it is worth pointing out that in England, approximately 40% of the population are currently liable to pay the prescription charge though approximately 89% of the items dispensed in the community are dispensed free of charge.
But it is worth pointing out that in England, approximately 40% of the population are currently liable to pay the prescription charge though approximately 89% of the items dispensed in the community are dispensed free of charge.