Do You Have Any Unusual Eating Quirks
ChatterBank0 min ago
No wonder some folk are starting to show mental health problems. Since covid the media seem obsessed in finding another virus or bug in the hope of scareing us all to death, or get us all to shut our doors never to venture out again.
It's popped up a few times on my home page this week along with a few others. ( The 100 day cough sweeping the country) Has it sweeped into your area yet. :0)
Mrs NJ's got the sniffles at the moment. I blame our nephew. He's got a "terrible cold". This is probably just the sniffles (remember, children get colds, men get 'flu and women get on with it). She was on the phone to him for about 15 minutes a couple of days ago, so that's undoubtedly where she picked it up. Some bloke on YouTube told me you can get it from speaking to an infected person on the phone - especially if your area is served by fibre optic cables. The two of us should probably stay indoors and get masked up if we really have to venture out.
I agree - the media won't be happy until the next pandemic comes along and the Covid Control Freaks will be back in force.
Some of the stuff popping up on these home pages by two a penny media outlets fighting for a market share Patsy is just getting really silly especially over the last 2 years with Ukraine. The false misleading headlines is now really over the top,. There are sadly people out there who believe this scaremongering and joking apart can do damage to their health and state of mind.
I believe its the media in every shape and form who are making people feel off most of the time. The TV is full of doom and gloom experts since covid, then you have the chat shows spilling over day after day all claiming to know this and that and getting great big pay packets for their so called advice.
Glad I'm not stuck at home all day having to listen to this crap, feel sorry for people who have no choice.