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Canary42 | 16:32 Sun 17th Dec 2023 | News
39 Answers

I trust that all the naysayers, anti-vaxers, etc., who trivialise Covid-19 are cognisant of Derek Draper's experiences.  





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Any adult knows,  Peter, that there are three certainties in life.

Death, taxes and naomi.

You can at least negotiate with the taxman.

Douglas9401 are you off your medication again? Naomi is as insightful as she is delightful.

How are things at The Home For The Bewildered, Wee Davy?

Can you all stop the childish digs and stick to the actual question?


Any further posts of a similar nature will be deleted.

What actual question?

The question is, ( are we cognisant with Derek Drapers experiences)

Yeh yeh whatever. 

"I dont think anyone is making covid appear to be worse than anything else."

I beg to differ.

The OP has specifically mentioned Covid and has cited the example of somebody who has unfortunately seen serious and tragic consequences from contracting it. He then went on to use that example to denigrate "all the naysayers, anti-vaxers, etc., who trivialise Covid-19".

I have tried to explain that Covid is little different to other illnesses in that occasionally those contracting them can suffer serious and long-lasting consequences.

 The OP reads as a statement.

I trust Canary42 and his ilk cognisant with the vaccine injured and bereaved?

You wouldn't think so the way vaccine injuries and deaths are ignored.  

How did Covid become so divisive?  What happened to people being able to have their own views? 

I have my views on it and how I handle it, but I respect the fact that others have their views too which are equally as valid.  I have had all the vacs, I had Covid and it wiped me out for about 4 days and was no worse than a dose of flu - however, I also lost a good mate to covid.  I do not know whether it might have been worse had I not been vacinated or whether the vac had no effect.  That is the issue, there is so much that is not known.  


I've always been happy for those that want to be vaxinated to do it, and those don't to not bother.

It's survival of the fittest fast tracked and I don't judge which is which.

^^Barmaid 20.43.There is so much that is unknow, very true, thats why canary has high lighted this case of Derek Draper.

20.42 roy. Its looks to me of being a statement to include also a question.


Is that you, Bob?

Covid is more dangerous than flu

Excess dangerous is that?



They have managed to get PP to leave the thread .

My adopted granddaughter and me share the same birthday. This year I was 70 and she was 7. Plans were made for a party...I got covid 2 days before our party. I was mildly ill for 3 days, my partner for 3 weeks. A friends daughter has long covid and suffers from micro blood clots on her lungs. She's still suffering 18 months later. 

PP is off the thread as tho that is a victory

Peter Pedant, 16.40.  You have no idea of other people's experiences of either the vaccine or the disease.  Wind your neck in.

Basedon one million vaccine recorde by the NHS. They had the loo-loo to follow up. 180 000 unvaccinated eaths again=st  1600 who were vaccinated

accordmg to our very very wise site mods ( how many years did you do in the virology labs wise at porton Down Naomi? Is the answer as high as none? - so  the non-vaxxers carry the day

Jesus this was the day that I womdered if the mods really were as wise as they averred said

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