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They Just Can't Help It Can They.

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gulliver1 | 09:23 Mon 15th Jan 2024 | News
43 Answers

David Cameron has refused to say how much he was paid to lobby for Greensill Capital...Cameron lobbied ministers to help the troubled firm get access the emergency coronavirus scheme.

My Question is How much of taxpayers money Did Cameron trouser.???



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Given the distain for this thread by posters other than us three ā€“ Iā€™d say it greatly irks most Abers to be continually reminded how corrupt/incompetent/dishonest the Tories are.
10:10 Mon 15th Jan 2024

10.21 But as they are mixed in with posts I MAY want to read it's pretty hard to avoid them.

"   " Ditto Dave.

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Davebro @ 10.41 ....ladybirder @ 10.48. That's very good advice from Anneasquith @ 10.21 and so simple. I think you ought to thank her.

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When being interviewed by Laura Kuenssberg. Cameron ducked dived ,swerved and deflected from direct questions.By talking over about all the good work he has done for Alzheimer's UK. In typical Tory fashion .And declined to say how much he had been paid by Greensill

They made some cock ups but taking Cameron back into the gang was complete suicide. :0) 

@10.04 Make that four.

10.21.  Well said.

Why should a few damage a whole category.  It used to be lively in News and now many  avoiding it. Not good for the site as a whole.

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Mr NiceBloke @ 11.33 Spot on once again. Sunak must have been desperate to take Cameron back. When will he go the whole hog  and bring Boris back .

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......What are you all having for tea today......

Wrong section gulliver.  Have you ever seen anyone with a brain posting these sort of posts in News? 

11.48 Wouldnt surprise me, may a cake and wine adviser for the number 10 bar and garden events. Having for tea? Off to a nice little village pub just up the road from our village. :0)

Are nicebloke and gully one and the same, they seem to have a similar style and to answer one another? Cant say I have seen any links posted by nicebloke either 

What's wine and teacakes got to do with it?

Not the same person. Gulliver seems to have been gulliver for years. The other is a banned user who likes to come back under new names and share best answers with gulliver and help keep alive flagging gulliver threads alive

-- answer removed --
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Too close to the truth then..

People still attacking the Poster, not the Post.  

Remember Maggie's "“I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” "

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Canary 17.10 Be careful.. you could get suspended for supporting me or even agreeing with me... Good luck on that one.

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Cameron says.. I  was a private Citizen when I was feathering my nest in those days,and I had a number of different interests.

You were a private Citizen alright Dave ..with access to parliament and all your MP

Will Gully post a link ? Nah, he will get one of his sheep to do it for him.

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17.39 ...Baa..

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