Is This Woman Obsessed With Me?
Family & Relationships1 min ago
Two-child benefit cap, is this fair or not, what happems with a multiple birth, triplets or a single birth then twins.
As for the woman in the artcle why keep having children if you can't afford them
Mybe I'm just boring, don't answer that:0) but we thought for some time before we had our first never mind just diving into the deep end. It all worked out fine, so 2 years later we decided the fisrt one needed a little sister, and we could re- use all the gear we had for the second one, all went fine again. Then I had the chop end of anymore. Shame that councils decided that unless you had x amount of kids you were at the back of the waiting list, the latter was a mistake in my view. Not sure if that policy still stands.
I don't see any justification in having child benefit for more than one child. It's not society's responsibility to fund an individual's breeding. But it seems benevolent enough to help a family who can not afford offspring, to have one.
If in that state they probably qualify for other help in the welfare safety net anyway, which should cover most other needs (and arguably should make child benefit obsolete anyway).
However having one child and receiving help is not the green flag to have more that you can't afford. Be thankful for the help given, don't abuse it's existence.
"But does the benefit cap apply only to mothers?"
No it doesn't.
But it is invariably mothers who begin or become "single" who are left with childcare responsibilities. Some have genuinely been left in that predicament through no fault of their own. But many have never been anything other than single and choose not to trouble the father(s) of their children with the tiresome task of providing for them.