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My Dog Is Different.....right Oh!

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ToraToraTora | 21:29 Thu 06th Jun 2024 | News
32 Answers

I dispair at people who think they know a dog 100% and their dog is different. I know people with dogs, not XL bully, who often say my dog would never harm anyone etc etc. I sometimes say, "you cannot know that, you cannot know what's going on in their head all the time" - I just dispair at their blind faith.



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Me too. My lovable, gentle dog had never shown any signs of aggression until she suddenly snapped when she was 15. Brain tumour, no other indication. Thankfully she was on a lead and no harm done.

What also shocked me about this horrific incident is that someone thought it a good idea to send the CCTV footage of it to her relatives.

Stuff of nightmares 

You can never know any animal 100%.  They think like animals and do not think in the same way humans do.  My father (a retired farmer) always always taught us that you never ever trust an animal irrespective of how well trained you considered it. I always understood that an animal may act in unpredictable ways and that must always be borne in mind.


I agree TTT, it really is unbelievable.

We were always wary of ours, particularly the 45KG Boxer.  Always walked on leads etc.

We had 1:1 dog training with one dog, ex-police dog handler.  He told us one of the problems is usually a dog will warn 3 times. The problem is it does just that so if the other warnings were to someone else and you are the fourth you will get bitten.

Every dog lover sincerely wants to believe that their dog would 'never hurt a fly'.

Which is true - until it isn't. 

Just because a dog has never been aggressive, does not mean he never will.

That's the fatal error made by dog owners who love to believe that their dog would never turn.

The simple fact is, any and all dogs have the capacity to turn. Not a major issue with a small breed, far more of concern with a great slavering beast.

Yes, he might be 'daft as a brush', but if he decides, with no warning, to revert to type, then you have problems. As owners of large dogs are discovering, to their cost. 

just relieved it was the owner not some innocent bystander

I would never be 'relieved' that anyone dies in this horrific way, owner or not.

Comparing the death of the owner as 'preferable' to that of a stranger is not appropriate. 

There is no sliding scale of 'deserve' here.

in your opinion

Not that I'd wish anyone to die, but like Davebro I'm pleased it wasn't an innocent bystander.  I know of someone with one of these dogs.  Single parent of a 9 year old boy living in a high rise flat.  She bought the dog on credit.  I'm always expecting to hear the worst.

//Every dog lover sincerely wants to believe that their dog would 'never hurt a fly'.//

That simply isnt true.  The OP is/was a dog owner as I and we have both posted we know the problems.  I cant believe TTT and I are the only ones.

//Comparing the death of the owner as 'preferable' to that of a stranger is not appropriate. //

Disagree, the owner has the choice, the bystander doesnt.

//That simply isnt true. //

Of course it's true - they want to believe it but still expect it may happen...

Dave, I've had a dog I knew would bite.  I didn't doubt it.  She was muzzled and kept on a lead when she went out.

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08:41 Naomi, that's horrifying. What is she "thinking"? It could kill the pair of them before she's finished paying the tallyman. Unbelievable.

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I had 2 JR's one of them died last year and he was the one that thought he was an XL Bully! He'd always try and attack, especially children. We managed him knowing that. The other one tends not to bite by default and just yaps but he has nipped me a few times so we have to be careful.

YMB - // 

//Every dog lover sincerely wants to believe that their dog would 'never hurt a fly'.//

That simply isnt true.  The OP is/was a dog owner as I and we have both posted we know the problems.  I cant believe TTT and I are the only ones. //

My assertion is a generalisation, but I still think it applies to ninety-nine per cent of dog owners.

TTT, it's a 'trophy' dog - bought so that the owner could look 'flash' I think.  She paid £500 for it as puppy and the breeder allowed her to pay in instalments.  

TTT - // I had 2 JR's one of them died last year and he was the one that thought he was an XL Bully! He'd always try and attack, especially children. We managed him knowing that. The other one tends not to bite by default and just yaps but he has nipped me a few times so we have to be careful. //

I am mystified as to why you would want to own a pet with a known propensity for attacking children, and another one that has bitten you on more than one occasion.

The dogs I have owned growing up have been a pleasure to be with, and the notion of 'being careful' simply never arose - I would never want to share my home with an animal that demonstrates, more than once, its hostile intentions.

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09:05, it's sad that people that dim are allowed to breed.

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