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This Is Really Desperate Stuff.

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gulliver1 | 08:25 Fri 28th Jun 2024 | News
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Sunak accused of desperate tactics after releasing his latest shock election poster of three people. One them a small child holding their hands up in the air as if at gunpoint. Urging people not to surrender to Labour. How much lower can these Tories get.?



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Throughout this election campaign, the Tories have been unable to defend the garbage and the gunge that has been served up to the country for the last 14 years. There can be no validity to anything in their manifesto, if the last 14 years are anything to go by, so, the only option is to is to attack Labour with inventions, supposition and scaremongering. What...
09:53 Fri 28th Jun 2024

You miss the point webbo. Thatcher and the Tories were useless and doomed until serendipity brought Galtieri into the frame. As a consequence, the Falklands Factor gave the The Gunge Lady the means to decimate British industry, which some people, as on here, obviously thought was a good thing. 

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Deskdiary 18.04 So you reckon, Thatcher was the best and most effective PM in your lifetime.,,But did you also know! Thatcher was an admirer of the late Jimmy Savile who she adored and even entertained for Sunday afternoon tea at Chequers and even gave him  a knighthood.Thatcher was also very friendly with Cyril Smith who had a lot in common with Saville and young children  .She also awarded Smith a knighthood. And of course she was also a big friend and defender of The Chilean Dictator Pinochet who sent thousands to their deaths.  Is that what you mean when you call her the best PM in you lifetime.

10cs: "Yep, I remember "Labour isn't working". There was one million out of work when that poster was doing the rounds, then, within 2 years of the Tories gaining office, the unemployment figure was three million. " - yes, lefties love to point that out, they are less keen on the reason though. In the preceding two decades the union laws made it almost impossible to fire anyone, thus there was massive overmanning especially in the nationalised industries. TGL changed the law and many were let go but they were not real jobs in the first place, they were fake positions leaching from public funds. That was phase one of the medicine that was needed. TGL saw it was necessary and did it with not much help from the wets around her.

I fail to see how unemployment is the answer to anything.

If you have massive overmanning in the opublic sector then it's costing a lot of money from the taxpayer. I think Labour sometimes forget that. So if you slim down the public sector it saves a fortune. Yes in the short term unemployment grows but those people then find real jobs. Track the unemployment graph and you will see the rise in the early 80s followed by a sharp fall. Those are real jobs in the private sector now adding money to the treasury rather than taking it out. I know you lefty types refuse to see it but that is how TGL dragged us up from being the sick man of Europe.

And helped her husbands' cronies to profit from the sell off and destruction of British industry. 

Oops! Off to Manchester Airport. Almost forgot, a pick up at 12. Byeeee!

Gulliver, Jimmy SaVILE fooled millions of people.

11:38 ah so we are changing the subject, so I assume from that you now agree with my assessment at 11:35 and wish to discuss another aspect?

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18.00  10Clarion. TGL .."The Gunge Lady"..."The Ghastly Lady" Both very good desciptions of the worst PM in living history But I must admit the last three Tory PMs ain't very far behind her.

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11:44 and yet you love her protegee, Tony Blair!

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TTT 11.35.It was The Ghastly Lady who Dragged The Uk down to being the sick man of Europe before she attempted Drag you back up again. And what a Drag on she was.

12:22 we were the sick man of Europe in the 70s. TGL came to power and fixed. End of.

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Ladybirder 11.42 "Gulliver Jimmy Savile fooled millions of people"    Savile certainly fooled Thatcher. So did Cyril Smith alongside Pinochet. Perhaps she should have been known as Iron head instead of Iron Lady ?

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12.32 TTT .....Britain is looked upon  once again as                  ....."The Sick Man of Europe "  ...since Brexit.😎

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TTT Remember what Thatcher said about throwing insults about when you are cornered😎

why have tories attempted to defend the poster?

gulliver is perfectly entitled to take an interest in uk politics regardless of where he lives. he is no more or less rude than the average person who uses this website.

@5.33 yes he is entitled to take an interest but he is obsessed.

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