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Remember The Blair Babes......?

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ToraToraTora | 09:45 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
10 Answers come the Starmer Stunners....anyone know how many female Labour MPs there are? 101 to beat!



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Did Diane Abbot hold her seat in London?

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Yes, the Abacus won.

Who counted the votes? Was it her?

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Strangely in those sorts of seats the electorate seem fiercely loyal to their MAABOF incumbent. Abbot, Corbyn, Lammy et al seem to command a hypnotic power over the voters that no one can explain.

I can, but my answer woould be deleted.

Surely all have now finally grown up and are against quotas and discriminating against some in order to discriminate in favour of others ? That must be assigned to the dark ages by now.

I read that this parliament will have the greatest number of female MPs ever.

Does it matter as long as they can do the job?

190 female Labour MPs were elected on Thursday.

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190 Rodders' ravers! wow!

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Remember The Blair Babes......?

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