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Shots Fired At Trump Rally

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Dukedelorca | 22:26 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | News
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'re quite welcome to go live in the good old US of A if these changes are implemented. I hear there is a 180 day plan.

While I'm surprised that somebody hadn't tried it year's ago,

erm if you had a ticket to Our American Cousin, at Fords  Theatre in  summer 1865, (washington) then you might have seen it on stage.

You're gonna say " compared the Pyramids, that was yesteray" arent  you ?

you're quite welcome to go live in the good old US of A ....

none so blind as do not see - is a biblical quote appropriate in a Thread of  the Antichrist ? fiveleaves invited to reply

DTC at 6.48 - yes of course he's egocentric, but that doesn't mean he should be assassinated, and nor does it mean that people on this board should be disappointed the assassin was unsuccessful.


I can't believe we're actually discussing the fact that people are sad he wasn't killed.

I can't believe we're actually discussing the fact that people are sad he wasn't killed.

erm yes ( or no) now in my dreams, I dreamt of a leddy priime minister - who was prime minister  four times so clearly not the US of A. And she was loved and hated in equal measure. And when SHE died - they had "The witch is dead " parties - and it had to be 'witch' as the rhyme  - - was MOST un-mimsy and wd have led to the parties being closed down

then I woke up - and found Trump was president ( Thatcher)

someone has already said how short the group memory is on AB ( CG Jung)

Unfortunately, I've no doubt plenty of Americans may have wanted a different outcome. Its not nice, but it's the reality of having a time bomb running for office. One that's already had an extremely damaging and negative effect on the American system. They may see it as the only way to diffuse this weapon.

Is it true that the secret service yelled, "Donald Duck !", at the time ?

-- answer removed --

//Is it true that the secret service yelled, "Donald Duck !", at the time ?//

Well Yosser Hughes said "I'm desperate, Dan"!

@18.59 A quick look at some of the "articles" before the footie only hints at tighter abortion controls, making women responsible for their own contraception or lifestyle choices at crucial times, better control of the influx of countless illegal immigrants with criminal intent, and encouraging parents to take the resposibility for caring for their children. Dangerously far right then. Hmm. //this is a bipartisan organisation// --CAP  ...   Centre for American Progress is widely recognised by free thinkers as left wing biased and  founded by John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign. Haha no Sarcasm required.    

DD - where did I say that Trump should be assassinated? Talk about trying to taint an argument, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You are as bad as those advocating slaughter.

Attempting to murder politicians is sadly not limited to Americans; we have had several politicians (and a PM) murdered in this country too.  I'm thinking of Spencer Percevel, Anthony Berry, Airey Neave, Jo Cox and David Amess.  We should all condemn this attempt, however much we dislike the person personally.  

I agree but the Americans seem to be much more adept at it - never mind the Presidents, look at the number of senators and congressmen/women taken out.

That could easily change, sadly, DTC.  It was only this last week that Lindsay Hoyle was saying that harm coming to MP's from the increased threat is what keeps him awake at night.  This could have happened here, as it has many times before.

Where are Bobby Axelrod and co when we need a candidate neutralised bloodlessly?

It's okay, Biden has neutralised himself in the debate, and also in the press conference.  No Axelrod required.

"NJ; What is Project 2025?"

The BBC describes it as "a wish list for a Trump Presidency."




Trump says "Hard to believe, they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. It’s crazy.”

Abortion after birth, execution, is not legal anywhere in the United States. It's a lie, almost a joke in the style of Blackadder, "The baby-eating bishop of Bath and Wells" - but deadly serious in Trump's words.

People seem coy about linking to the actual website, so I'll do it for those who can stomach it ...

DTC - don't have a fit of the vapours - I didn't say any such thing.

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