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The Most Humane Army In The World?

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Untitled | 09:28 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
78 Answers

IDF soldiers allowed a dog to maul a palestinian man with down's syndrome and then left him to die from his wounds according to his mother. 

how does this behaviour make israel safer from terrorism?



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When there's a particularly outrageous incident reported the IDF say they will investigate it.Then they promptly forget all about it.They are butchers killing in the name of faith and country.I'm reminded of the USA in the 19th Century.  The only good injun is a dead one.  Change 'injun' to Palestinian and you have the Israeli mindset.Butchers.
11:40 Thu 18th Jul 2024

Untitled, you say you want neither side to win but the current situation is that both Hamas and Israel intend to fight until the end.  There is no room for fence-sitting as you claim you're doing - even though you're very clearly supporting one side against the other.  If you think your sitting on the fence you're kidding yourself.

With such entrenched views we should all agree to disagree over this issue.

The only thing that we all agree with is that Hamas needs to be eradicated.

I will go and sit with Untitled and Sandy.  I want the killing of innocents to stop, innocents on both sides.


o come on: the man was an obvious terrorist - directing countless gunmen - and but biting off bits of him, they made him less dangerous.

I mean what is Answr3bank for?

Untitled, you say you want neither side to win 

I am amazed you were allowed to say it quite honestly, considering um what you were saying.

why is it evil for hamas to kill children but when israel does it it's "just war"?

oh, I think it is something to do with the number 32 000 - but who cares what I think? I always get deleted

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"They are not targetting civilians they are targetting hamas cowards that hide in civilian infrastructure."

then how do you explain IDF whistleblowers (not a muslim this time you will be pleased to know) who describe deliberate targeting of civilians and torture of detainees? why has israel accelerated its attacks on civilians in the west bank which is not part of the gaza war? is it really acceptable to kill children as a "response" to someone else?

"Untitled, you say you want neither side to win but the current situation is that both Hamas and Israel intend to fight until the end."

each of these factions - israel and hamas - have genocidal aspirations. i do not accept that in a war between two genocidal groups you should pick the genocide you want to happen... genocide must always be resisted. Otherwise all that "never again" stuff we were taught is just meaningless... it is not me that's kidding myself and there are more than two sides involved in this situation. 

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who is selecting best answers? i did not mark naomi's post as BA.

Perhaps you touched BA by mistake.  Choose something you like better to replace it.

05:28 unconcious bias?

If Untitled is using a touch screen he's probably touched the BA button without realising it.

same way threads seem to get closed by mistake, I hate touch screens!

Do mods have the power to choose BA? Just asking for a friend.


Touch screen is inevitable for things like smart phones. The onus is on the page designer to put buttons somewhere other than places likely to be brushed (especially when their page keeps jerking things around as it adds more bits) and on the coder to ask for confirmation where appropriate (and not ask when it's not).

fine for the phone but I always prefer a proper keyboard and mouse on a laptop. I don't like tablets etc.

Excellent choice of BA.🤣

I think it is a very good choice too - he  knows he can change it innit - just  touch BA again


stet - ( that is Latin for 'let it stand') I think it should stay ! well argued ( from accepted premises) , rational and unbiassed, I  mean who cares if a dog swallows a down's hand?


The thread originator can change the BA, but if they see no response they wish to BA, I'm fairly sure that they can't just remove it.

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The Most Humane Army In The World?

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