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Let her stay where she is then.  She's not missed.

I'm crying onto my cornflakes.

Surprised Harry hasn't sued his father-in-law for asking for a relationship with his grandchildren.

I'm sure everyone agrees that they BOTH screwed up royally.


Idiotic man-child.

More like she doesnt want to be booed again.

She had it all and threw it away.

"Prince Harry has said "it's still dangerous" for his wife Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, to return to the UK."

Quite a result, then. Long may it continue that way. The less seen on these shores of that ghastly woman, better.


From what I gather many Americans would like to be saying the same thing about the pair of them.

what a dork 🤡

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It's All The Fault Of The Press......right Oh!

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