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Winter Fuel Payments Cut For Many Pensioners

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barry1010 | 16:09 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | News
136 Answers

Labour is not messing about.  From this year only pensioners in reciept of Pension Credit or other means tested benefits will not the £100 - £300 annual payment to help with fuel bills.

Those just above the cut off for pension credit will really struggle,to%20make%2C%22%20she%20says.

I think this is very wrong.  Too many pensioners with no savings and just a pound or two over the limit are struggling. 



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Khandro, they've cancelled road projects too.

Savings are to be banished. The left wing is hungry for needy, reliant, sorts and is going to create as many as possible.;cvid=f0d5ff33016c4b98849d0f3534ed3571&ei=21

It takes hours to earn, and seconds to spend. The cons have been spending money thats NOT been earned. So you can thank them for the bitter pills that now have to be taken, and taken by everyone. Be thankfull you have someone in number 10 thats taking the right road to recovery.

None of these vindictive policy moves have been criticised by our compulsory leagacy media. Imagine the 24/7 furore if the Conservatives had been deranged enough to implement them. 

Whip my saving. I dont expect anyone else to pay for my problems, now or later.

Just as well, Nicebloke.  Good luck.

Spot the bloke on benefits, with no savings, time then? 

Indeed Togo.



How amusing that exactly the same moans about the mismanagement of the nation's finances were said about the total mess Gordon Brown and the last Labour government left us in.

VOTE LABOUR lol lol lol

Next time get off it and vote REFORM UK 🇬🇧 

Benefits is yet another area thats bleeding this country. The only thing making the work shy sick is the thought of getting out of bed in the morning and going to work and earning their own living. Laying in bed most of the morning will make you unfit sooner or later. Would love to see SK give this area a bashing?

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Vote REFORM?They would just inherit the same problems that Labour did.I said often enough before the election that Labour at Westminster or a new Labour government up here in Holyrood would have a massive repair work needed.The fact remains,there is no money left in the bank.We need to get used to it.

the perpetrator in southport is not an illegal immigrant nomorewars

^^^but, it's been reported we're sending nearly £12bn abroad to assist the 'climate crisis' probably to sihthole countries who couldn't give a tinker's cuss.

Wouldn't this fill 60% of the £20bn black hole Reeves is banging on about? 

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Maybe the civil serpants will drag their heels and stall all this targeted vindictive action until it is unworkable, or the lawyers will involve themselves(they usually do) and make legal challenges. Will it get through the House of Lourdes(deliberate) now that Cameroon is esconced. What do you think?  

that is misinformation nomorewars. he's not an immigrant. 

^^You have been warned previously about derailing threads that are not following your mantra. Go away and start your own!

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