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Why on earth does a Cornish anti-fascist group have to decided to comu amd interfere?  Now that really is asking for trouble.  Wonder who it will be blamed on?

Fingers crossed for you, pasta.  Also very firmly crossed for my daughter, grandkids, car and caravan whose ferry will be docking there at 8.00 p.m..  She has to drive back to Yorkshire after a holiday in Brittany.  I'm really quite worried.

Surprisingly, given the fact that we had our very own 'race riots' back in 2001, we haven't had any public disorder.

However, just received a text from my daughter saying that some moron(s) have visited Burnley Cemetery and poured white paint over many of the graves of Muslims.

That could be the blue touch-paper well and truly lit๐Ÿ˜’


Oh good grief!  Abusing graves!  What is wrong with them?!  

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There will be a number of different groups protesting...



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Ken and Naomi...the world is sick, and full of sick people.

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Jourdain, maybe your daughter can bypass the city north and around to the east. I too hope they have an uneventful passage through/ beyond the city.

The trouble with that poster is that the phrase "far right" has no specific meaning,  so it's unclear what the rally is really opposing.

Abusing graves? The Taliban smashed up all the commonwealth war graves in Iraq, one of which was my great uncle, whose grave was in Bazra Cemetery. Nothing is sacred, Naomi.

Those photos are on Royal Parade, not far from Plymouth Hoe. I don't know what these people are expecting to achieve with these actions. Protest is one thing but destruction is another. They're damaging their own towns and cities.  

They are just thugs.  I feel sorry for the Police, they should be given more powers, maybe be allowed to shoot them with rubber bullets.

We are doomed as a species!


I fear it is too late, there's two mobs now prowling the streets looking for trouble. I think there will be deaths before this ends.

Saying that, it won't end, it will just be put on the back burner.

Starmer keeps on cheer leading for one of the sides, the man is a moron. 

Daughter and kids are still trapped on a ferry - too dangerous to let anyone disembark.  Been told to take the A638 out of Plymout when they are finally allowed off  She has about 200 miles to drive, when allowed off, before she gets herself and kids home.  Supposed to disembark at 8 p.m.. Worrying.

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Latest news is objects thrown from both sides with a woman on the 'stop rascism' side hit...also chants. An Islamic education centre has been targeted. Its getting dark now...I bet gets worse. I hope I'm wrong. 

Jordain, all that matters is that your daughter and her family stay safe. It must be frightening for them.

Pasta - yes, I can forsee a sleepless night for self as well.  She now corrected to A368, which makes more sense.  Supposed to collect dogs (one is a 6mth-old pup who is beyond us t.b.h.) tomorrow afternoon.  Just praying that they get home safely.

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They'll be OK once they get beyond the city centre.

Only a few days ago, I thought we were not going to experience this. So wrong.

This city really doesn't see this kind of activity...people get on quite well.

Just had a message, still on ferry but 'looks as if we will be moving soon'.  Fingers firmly crossed.

Pasta? Anything?

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I sent my daughter the video..."don't leave the house, please!"

Thoughts are with you both, Pasta and Jourdain, and of course all in the path of this idiocy.

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