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is she related to Poly Andry?😂

What about misandry?

How does it manifest itself to the detriment of men?

How many men are in fear/danger for their lives at the hands of women?

This sort of petulant whataboutism muddies the waters about a very real, present problem manifesting itself in society.

Question Author

well it would have more credibility if it dealt with both sides of the issue. wouldn't.

Misogyny has a very real impact on 51% of the world's population.


Question Author

so misandry does not exist then jack, right oh!

It's either another one to the themselves in knots over


Cultural differences attract special treatment.

Nowhere near to the same extent as misogyny.

Are you still trying to think of examples for me?


Question Author

10:40 you haven't asked for examples, you seem to not want that.

I asked these 2 questions in my first reply; 

How does it manifest itself to the detriment of men?

How many men are in fear/danger for their lives at the hands of women?

Question Author

"How does it manifest itself to the detriment of men?"

"How many men are in fear/danger for their lives at the hands of women?"

I have not counted them but it is > 0 and it is a recognised condition.

LoL.....Google obviously isn't your friend, TTT.

As I thought, your OP was a petulant attempt to level the playing field.

Misandry may exist on an individual level, it is not now and never has been, a movement to designed to oppress men, wholesale.


The law already exists to deal with battering spouses and partners.  That woman was rightly sent to prison 

For a second I thought this was a Prince Andrew thread

I completely get JTH's view.

Of course there's sexism from women, and there's also double-standards. Christ you only have to watch Loose Women to see that*. I can remember the truly dreadful Denise Welch being interviewed by Piers Morgan once and she told a story about how she threw a lamp at Tim Healy's head, which drew much laughter from the audience, but had it been the other way around as sure as eggs are eggs the reaction would have been different. The violence against a man was considered worthy of mirth.


But, the fact is, extreme sexism is worse for women.


*I don't watch Loose Women, but have seen bits because my wife had it on in the background.

One either deals with both directions or one is too incompetent to be given such a job. No excuses.

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