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Things Will Get Worse

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davebro3 | 08:36 Sun 25th Aug 2024 | News
31 Answers

With Labour in charge only fools would think otherwise...



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It is we who must integrate with them

I see the embittered Hard Right are still wallowing in self pity at the country's overwhelming rejection.


You lost, suck it up.

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5 more years Canary - better get used to it.

Don't be so pathetic Canary - nobody on this thread is "Hard Right".

I confess that life seemed simpler when all we had to worry about was that they were the communist vanguard but this is a new and very different threat.

Canary, what utter tripe.  It didn't take long for all the warnings to come to fruition.  I'm not surprised you're trying to hide your embarassment in the hope that the best form of defence really is attack.  Not with this one it isn't.  The country is now on a very slippery slope - but with disaster staring you in the face I've no doubt whatsoever that you know that. 

Sandy ; Islam doesn't do intergration.

11.54 .Naomi what would a wealthy person like yourself spend your heating allowance on ? Maybe dinner for two.

No integration ;

12.33 why would you presume to know about Naomi's - or anyone else's finances

12.42 You would be surprised if I  told you .

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