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Get's Going To Hurt.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:36 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
24 Answers

....I bet they'll still be giving £11.6bn to foriegners for "climate change initiatives" though.

Come on then what tax rises can we expect?



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I read this morning that changes to stamp duty and inheritance tax are planned.  I wonder how many Labour voters are now regretting their choice?

While 'prudence' should be the Chancellor's watchword, I do hope the rich are squeezed until the pips squeak.

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sandy the "rich" always have ways around things. It will be the standard working tax payer that pays for this. Labour always punish the poorest.

Squeezing the 'rich' doesn't actually hurt them, sandyRoe, because they are 'rich' and they can afford it.  Squeezing those in the middle, on the other hand, does hurt - and badly -  and they're the ones who are always squeezed.  

// I do hope the rich are squeezed until the pips squeak.//

Define "Rich".


Having your own flagpole

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I bet the saltire flies outside chez dougie!

... kids have a pony.

There's a whiff of hypocrisy going on here ...

The riches of all are the utility companies. 

Do go on.

//Squeezing those in the middle, on the other hand, does hurt - and badly -  and they're the ones who are always squeezed.//


No point 'squeezing' those who choose to be idle though is it, the middle have propped up the country since time immemorial.

I'm amazed that anyone is surprised at who Labour will target and who they will support, ie the Unions, it'll be the 1960s all over again.

//I do hope the rich are squeezed until the pips squeak.//

Does that include the train drivers?

//I'm amazed that anyone is surprised at who Labour will target and who they will support, ie the Unions,//


Quite,  They told their faithful what they weren't going to do - but they neglected to tell them what they were going to do.  Rob the poor to fund the already well-fixed.  

Steals from the poor gives to the rich, silly b***  ....

I didnt watch it but i presume it went the way of....1."All you working class people who object to mass uncontrolled illegal immigration are a bunch of Nazis."2."22Bn black hole".3"I hope all you workshy,feckless pensioners die off as quickly as possible".

I haven't watched it but oddly, I doubt that is what he said.

Okay,maybe not the"22 Bn blackhole"bit perhaps,TCL.But the others seem feasible.

Still no answer to "What is rich" then from the far left on here.

Why they are still pushing this ridiculous "we didn't know" excuse is a mystery.  Surely anyone with sense wouldn't consider admitting to incompetence was an excuse for anything. All we get is movement in the wrong direction and the promise of oppressive government in addition. The biggest problem is creating unnecessary bills to be paid rather than fixing problems immediately so there is already enough for our needs.


I hear Sadiq is putting further taxes on Londoners too. Surely most should move out of the area and leave his favoured residents to foot his bills.

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