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What Makes This Woman So Special?

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douglas9401 | 08:50 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
10 Answers

Publicity hungry 'former glamour model' may have her 'wellbeing' equilibrium upset by, errr, publicity.

The stern warning that she "must attend with "no ifs or buts"." has now been downgraded to coming in for a wee chat.

A complete farce now ensues.



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...and what has she done to her boat? What a mess.

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If we could stick to the originl question in the meantime, we can get to her transport arrangements later.


Well she may not be to everyone's taste but if she earns substantial sums from social media etc. some people must thinks she's worth paying for. And she fills column inches in some newspapers that might otherwise (and more usefully) be blank.

dave she's bankrupt, up the pictures me old china, boracic lint. Owes millions. Should be in the slammer, anyone else would be.

I saw £750k not millions & I don't think we still have debtors' prisons. Just sayin'

I mean for not turning up in court and burgering off to turkey.


Well she's paid a pretty Price !!

I wouldn't call that pretty at all 😏

I agree Douglas, I really dont understand why the pussy footing around her.

Grab her (financial) assets, peddle them off to pay the debt (espacially the MWSD) and then throw her in Jail for her attitude to the Court.

Can you imagine what would have happened to our Nailedit the other day if he was a no show?  No doubt Rozzers on his doorstep feeling his collar.

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