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Khandro | 14:14 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
27 Answers

Breaking news: Today on a road in Gloucestershire (where we're heading next week).



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'Dave, do you think we need a parking ticket?'

Passenger to pilot...

"I don't like your altitude"

I wonder if          'bow wing' can repair my plane 


Damn - I knew that this was the wrong way to get to Wales.

Have I passed?


I told you to ignore the satnav!

"they should fix these potholes"

We hope you enjoyed your flight 

" It's plane to see where you went wrong !"

..and as you see Sir, the folding wing option is a really worth while addition at only £2,500 on top of the standard list price.

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I couldn't possibly give a b.a. they're all hilarious !

Photo looks fake to me.

'Just stop oil' caught out using private plane flights to block roads

'Ladies and gentlemen , we hope you've enjoyed your flight and thank you for flying Safeway airways '

"I think the crash course went well!"

Tesco’s car parking space, too small again?

I know I said Gloucester was just down the road, but........

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//Photo looks fake to me.//


Oh dear the cold hand of Gromit strikes again !  - It's on the front page of today's Times, Gromit.

You can't park there, mate.

You've done it again I told you to keep left.


Yes madam the folding wings is a feature of this model.

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