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Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Seems To Be In Trouble Again.

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sandyRoe | 18:38 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | News
46 Answers

If the courts give you a direction it's probably best not to ignore it.



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I would imagine 'Tommy' will comply with the court's demands.

He is an odious individual,  but he's not stupid, he knows how to pick his battles.

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I wonder did he ever pay the 100K to the young lad he defamed?

I gasp when I hear of someone not obeying a judge's order - - - oo-er Mrs !

yeah yeah I know it depends who. Sandy wd be led  away in chains, whereas Boris ( bless!) the judge wd fwobble his ( B's) lovely flaxen hair and give him a free pass

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//He is an odious individual,  but he's not stupid//


No, that's the trait most of his supporters exhibit instead.

In July 2021, Syrian teenager Jamal Hijazi won £100,000 in damages following a major defamation battle after Yaxley-Lennon spread false allegations accusing him of being a violent thug.


That's a lie right there. 

The current issue of Private Eye has a cartoon in which one of the characters is saying:-


I’m reading facts, formally known as racist propaganda, posted by Tommy Robinson, formally known as Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, on X, formally known as Twitter.

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Where's the lie?

I wonder why the documentary Silenced was banned?

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Who banned it?

There's an injunction preventing him from releasing the film.


'Robinson was first served with contempt proceedings in June, with the Solicitor General telling a previous court hearing that he “knowingly” breached the order by having “published, caused, authorised or procured” a film titled Silenced in May last year.

In the film, Robinson portrays himself as a free speech martyr and repeats the claims he'd made about Mr Hijazi.'

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Sailing very close to the wind, there.  ^

Me or Robinson?

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Not you.


No doubt deliberate, adds to the martyr image he tries to portray for himself.

Not one of you are interested in the truth are you.

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Ha Ha.🤣

It's you, you can't handle the truth.

CLONE a Judge has issued a Court Order and it is claimed he has ignored that order so it's now up to him to argue his case.

I repeat not one of you care about the truth.

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