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Money Leaving The Country

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gramps85 | 09:33 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | News
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Millionaires are flocking to leave the UK and take their businesses with them. Fuel tax is forecast to rise, Inheritance Tax changes are forecast and Starmer is cosying up to the EU.

Welcome to 5 years in Hell!!!



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Canary, business creates wealth.  Without it there is none - and with its departure go jobs - and the wealth of everyone else.  Labour doesn't understand that - and never will.  It's now in the process of returning unrestricted powers to the Unions.  Hang on to your hat - and your bank balance - if you can.
10:14 Thu 29th Aug 2024

so when exactly did you exit perfidious Albion gully - be honest

when did you

Many many years ago.

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Gulliver. So no answer to explain how Brexit has made your life so terrible.

Does anyone know why Ex-pats in warm countries are not getting WFA?

I'm sure they could use the money to run their air conditioners.

Being too hot could be as bad for ones health as being too cold.

15.31 Spot on there Sandy ..electric bills are far higher in the summer...But the Solars work very well. lol.

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Gulliver.  Still no answer to how Brexit has worsened your life.  Please do not make statements which you cannot. or won't, back up.  This makes such statements worthless.

It's been said Spain don't get WFA but I've been told expats near Malaga are receiving it. How do they know where anyone actually lives?

Gramps is talking a load of piffle or reading the wrong newspaper. Do you honestly believe that pensioners living in the EU are going to get WFA And pensioners living in the UK are Not  ....Rubbish Gramps ..Absolute Rubbish


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I am sorry Gulliver but you are the one talking piffle.  There are enough postings on this subject to show that is what is exactly happening.  35,000 expats will receive WFA, while the majority of pensioners in the UK will not receive it.  Fact.

What a sorry lot this Government are.

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Gulliver.. I refer you to my posting on Wednesday at 09.02 which contains the report in the Daily Telegraph.  Other newspapers covered the same story.  Perhaps the newspapers you read only contain local news.

gramps85, I see gulliver still has not answered your question or come back with an answer to the other thing you asked him.

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the shedman. How right you are.  I think it just proves how worthless all of his statements are.

davebro, they have to get a 'proof of life' certificate signed every year, in much the same way as a passport photo is countersigned.   It is sent to their home address.  If you know people that are fiddling the system, report them.

I will

gramps65; you asked Gulliver how Brexit has worsened your life.


Let me explain, Brexit has directly resulted in a loss of £40 billion in tax revenue to the UK exchequer, almost double the black-hole the Tories left, that the Labour government is having to deal with (by raising taxes).


If you care to read many of my posts on Brexit, you will discover a multitude of disasters that have befallen the UK because of Brexit – take your pick.


But being fair to both Brexiteers and those who voted remain, I have also posted the benefits of Brexit – I don’t believe anyone else has done this on AB.

Rather than having to trawl through my posts for the Brexit benefits, here they are:-


-          Blue passports

-          The Crown Mark on pub glasses

-          Being able to buy champagne in pint bottles, rather than 750ml (1.3 pints)

-          Mobile phone companies able to make roaming charges
(when using your phone in mainland Europe)

-          Killing our honey-bees with EU banned pesticides

-          Not having to insure ride-on lawnmowers (and other self-powered vehicles) used on private land

-          Signage within Dartford tunnel spaced at yardage distances (in round numbers)

-          The freedom to release as much raw sewage as we like into our rivers and coastal waters (and doing so), without fear of being prosecuted by the European Commission

-          Un-capped bonuses permitted to be paid to our bankers

-          Not having to declare millions of pounds you have in secret off-shore tax havens

-          Shellfish beds found In the Thames estuary


Hymie, gramps asked Gulliver how Brexit has made his (gulliver's) life so terrible.  Gulliver is yet to respond.

This doesn't surprise me in the slighest and if I were super-rich I'd do the same.


Macron punished the rich with a 70% envy tax and there was an exodus.


The same happened in the 70s when Labour (proper Labour) were last in Government. I can remember reading Michael Caines autobiography and when the rich were punished in the 70s and he moved his money out.


John Caulfield, of Phones 4U, said a few years ago he had paid over £300m in tax in one year, and that if an envy tax came in he'd move his money away. How many 'normal' people's tax would it take to fill a £300m black hole from one person leaving.


All sensible people know punishing the rich actually reduces the tax income, so I struggle to see why Labour don't get it (actually, they do get it, but it plays out well to their supporters that the rich are being punished, but their supporters are just too thick to get it and that is what Labour rely on).


It's so patently obvious that I genuinely worry that people don't get it.

I don't think they do get it, DD.  They're stuck in the mire of the politics of envy.  Hit the rich and to hell with the consequences. 

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