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Typical Embittered Tory....

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Canary42 | 15:14 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | News
45 Answers

..... called for asylum seekers' hotels to be set on fire.

Compassionate Conservatism at work.



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@12.56.Dont you understand the term"irony"Untitled?Quite a few"knob-headed"comments on this site come from your good self.

Sorry to say this,Peter Pedant,but your inane ramblings are just getting too much for the rest of us to comprehend.Have you got a carer or anybody to edit or quantify in some way your postings?Im being serious by the way.

> ellipsis- i think Tomus is referring to the woman's post on X saying X should have had some sort of moderation

Ah, thanks for explaining nma.

I see on the BBC that "Racial hatred post did not break X rules":

That doesn't say a lot for X.  No wonder people are leaving in droves, including advertisers. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Online Safety Act comes into operation in 2025.  "Under the act, tech firms could be fined up to £18m or 10% of their qualifying worldwide revenue, and senior managers could face criminal action."

"@12.56.Dont you understand the term"irony"Untitled?Quite a few"knob-headed"comments on this site come from your good self."

you're not exactly in a position to be criticising anyone else there ynna

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