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Labour's Hammering Our Scottish Friends Too.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:50 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | News
18 Answers

That's free everything oot the windy!



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What is it about Labour and austerity?!  They used to complain about it, now they practise it.  Perhaps all is not fun and frolics on the front bench now they've made it into big boy government.  #sameoldlabour

26 May: "Rachel Reeves vowed that there would be no “return to austerity” under a Labour government.

4 July Labour elected into government.

3 Sept: Return to Austerity.

Thanks Rachel, you're amazing.

They could close at least a couple of the spaceports currently about the place.

It's not rocket science.

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....they may have to stop construction of that Death Star!

That's too far gone to cancel, like the ferry at Port Glasgow.

Its OK,3T.The SNP government still has enough of the Scottish tax-payers dosh(the highest taxed part of the UK)to pay for pretendy embassies overseas,to pay money to the Palestine authorities(i.e.Hamas),to keep on pumping money into Prestwick Airport and into a certain ferry-building business on the Clyde which was supposed to have two ferries ready for service 6 years ago.Meanwhile Wee Burney and her pretendy husband are living the high life,what with their £100,000 motorhome and their £250,000 villa out in Portugal.By the way,did i mention the SNP still has £600,000 missing from their accounts?

The SNP government still has enough of the Scottish tax-payers dosh

I er thought that the scots govt wd present the bill ( cost that is!) to London and  say - -- YOU pay

@10.57 "Martha" Reeves and the Vandals. 

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12:54 they have "Embassies"? gawd elp us! why?

Well they're going to need them as soon as they become independent, aren't they. It's an investment for the future.

// they have embassies? //

as ynafy says, "pretendy" -

not one in Khan Yunis yet........

12:54 they have "Embassies"? gawd elp us! why?


12:54 they have "Embassies"? gawd elp us! how? They arent an independent country. Perhaps they hire a church hall, and hang outside  a notice: " embassy"

Or they just stand outside smoking one.

"The Scottish Government do not have embassies but rather international offices which deliver on key priorities for Scotland."

Still pretendy embassies TCL,maybe thats where the stolen £600,000 has disappeared to.

I think they need more than several 'new' psychiatrists, free or not.....

Angela in control, right at the end. 🤣

the Scottish government have announced an ambitious plan to replace their HST fleet with new trains. the Scottish public and the unions will be a bit cranky when they learn today's budget cuts will force them to have East Midlands trains 25 year old hand me downs instead 😂😂😂

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