Sport1 min ago
Another Small Boat Tragedy.
The terrible price some pay to enjoy the freedoms we take for granted.
Can no way be found to help refugees avoid this dangerous crossing?
It's a tragedy that smugglers are making money from this and that as a result lives are sometimes lost and we have to try to accommodate those that make it taking resources from those born here.
But yes, there should be a process for asylum claims to be made in the countries (in Africa/Middle East normally) they are 'fleeing' from.
Yes a way can be found. They can save their money and stay in France, or any of the other nations they chose to pass through.
This is the sort of thing that happens when governments don't give a guano, fail to do what is necessary, or even deliberately act to make things worse, for reasons unknown; so presumably on whim.
They can avoid it by not doing it and staying in France which has beena very safe country since 1945.
Now I see the French want Asylum seekers to be able to apply from France. Why? - They are safe!
Of course most on the Dingys are not Asylum seekers, they are illegal economic migrants but successive Governments seem reluctant to admit this.
And of course, voice your opinion too loudly and Chairman S2TK will send his Stasi round to arrrest you.
Speaking of France:
So they have open borders encouraging movement into their country, don't intervene when boats are launched in case they get blamed for domething, fail to stop the crominal gangs, fail to prevent the unseaworthy craft from leaving; and who do they allegedly blame ? The nation who will be the victim of their inaction and failure. A case of, putting their blindfold on, denying everything, and blaming someone else.
Well I think France is happy for them to leave. They don't want them either. Stop all the benefits and promises they are told. Make a few immediate examples by sending them back to their countries or France if they have dumped their documents. No more free housing, schooling, healthcare. Thatis what they are coming to the U.K for. Not because of it's green and pleasant land and culture. Put them in a camp, built maybe in an uninhabited Scottish island. That'll stop the dinghys for sure.