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Bus Service For Jewish Passengers

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webbo3 | 12:26 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
3 Answers

Bus service to help Jewish Londoners feel safe.

Safe from whom?



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Safe from the anti-Semites of all colours, creeds and religions.

This bus is not exclusively for the Jewish community, anyone will be able to travel on it.  It will make travelling between significantly Jewish areas as it will be one continuous journey between Stamford Hill and Golders Green.  Previously it mean changing buses at Finsbury Park.  

There has been a lot of threats to Jewish people in Londonistan from a certain community. 

Yes "anti-Semites of all colours, creeds and religions." but its mainly one, certainly at the  moment aided and abetted by the likes of COB.

I dont know why these people parade around in garb tht identifies religion

you know titzit or burka - sun worshippers dont do it with a flaming bowl on their heads - nor romans with a papal tiara ( actually there are rules about wearing a pectoral cross)

and just get on with getting around London

Bar convent in York was hidden for 200 y. I am not sure how they did Sung Mass

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Bus Service For Jewish Passengers

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