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Priti Patel Out Of Leadership Race

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bednobs | 17:24 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
12 Answers

than goodness - listening to her talk irritates me immensly.  someone once said she always has an expression like she's just won an arguement with her husband too.



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I think Oliver Dowden should automatically be installed as the next Tory leader, he is a smaller bore hole than Boris

oh please let them choose badenoch. please please!!

Her 15 minutes is up. I'm surprised. I thought she would do better.

I can't say I like any of them (I used to be able to like Tories even while not agreeing with them) but Jenrick's the creep who ordered Disney characters painted over at refugee centres so the kids wouldn't feel comfortable.

Oh what a pity Priti : )

I think they need some candidates who aren't tarred with the brush of the last government. I think whoever is chosen as leader will just be an interim postholder until someone new with more talent and charisma emerges

Clearly you have never met the woman bednobs.

It's interesting to see the far left and who they want on this thread though!

// I think whoever is chosen as leader will just be an interim postholder until someone new with more talent and charisma emerges//

I agree.

It does seem that during the past few years, the words, Government, charisma, and talent just don't go together. i wonder why this has happened?

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i havent met her in person ymb, the only MP i have met in person  is our previous incumbent who came to the door once.

she may well be charismatic for all i know, but her speech impediment just means i find her irritating to listen to.

That speech impediment is actually the way so many people, but usually young people, speak in or around London- Alex Scott is the same. The London accent and west indian and Asian accents are also all merging into one accent.

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the problem is, i cant listen to what she actually says, coz im concentrating on her speech pattern.  Still, i expect my voice would be grating to some people

Her fifteen minutes of fame are up.

I expect a book is in the offing.

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