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nicebloke1 | 10:11 Thu 05th Sep 2024 | News
38 Answers

Sir Keir has now got his sights on the water bosses. Stop spreading your muck to make yourself a bigger bonus or face up to 2years in jail. What a great working PM. Go get em SK.



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Nationalise the lot Keir, Railways, water, electricity gas.         Go for it.

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Normaly AB posters fight to be the first to post such headlines. Strange that no one seems interested in the progress Sir Keir is making in ALL areas that have been ignored by the con gang. He soon put an end to the rioters/ vandals a few weeks back, now he's going to sort the water vandals.:0)

If he had any guts & proper Labour credentials he'd re-nationalise water with zero compensation.

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Who knows what his next move will be.^^^

Credit where it's due,  good move.

Water is one that should never have been privatised in the first place.

Not a very clear heading for news....

Priorities. So far they seem to have got that wrong. There isn't the money to privatise all and sundry. Unless someone is growing a money orchard.

TORATORATORA, it was clear enough for you to post a reply to it and the body of the question explains what it is about.

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And the polution by water companies is a lot worse than many people know. As a sports angler I see it weekly. Only last week S/Trent have polluted with raw sewage a balancing lake that is connected to other pools by underground pipes to 4/ 5 other fishing venues not to far from me, they have killed hundreds of fish in the first 24 hours, and the death toll will continue.These fish have taken many years to grow and mature. The have completly wrecked the sport and the rest of the smaller wildlife in theses lakes/pools and surounding areas of the margins. Thanks!

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No doubt they will still be requsting renewal of my fishing licence next year. Their email reminder for renewal normally starts with " enjoy the great outdoors"


Who knows what his next move will be.^^^

Yes indeed, not even Sir Keir knows.

A link mayt be useful, I cant find anything on this?

Well thank you anyway davebro.

So its not 2 years for "spreading your muck" its up to 2 years for " for water executives when companies fail to co-operate or obstruct investigations".

Also its just a Bill, and sadly still relies on OFWAT a quango that will undoubtedly fail to come up to expectations.  Plus much of the good stuff it appears will come in future legislation.

Still, it is a step in the right direction.

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Obstructing investigations into spreading muck then. Hows that?^^

"Who knows what his next move will be.^^^"

Well unless his next move is to get a few more prisons buil, he need not bother. There are people committing quite serious crimes involving theft and violence who are not receiving custodial sentences because of lack of prison space. Th eprospect of seeing "water bosses" being imprisoned for failings in te companies they run is next to zero.

In fact, even if there was adequate prison space, the prospect of the Chief Execuive of a water company even being prosecuted, let alone convicted and committed to custody, are similarly slim.

As is usual, the little word "could" [face two years in prison] should feature far more prominently than it does.

Makes good headlines, I suppose.

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The threat of prison" could" be enough to turn the tide, or should I say the sludge. It didn't go a miss with the rioters a few weeks back.

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