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ToraToraTora | 09:17 Fri 06th Sep 2024 | News
13 Answers

I've been saying for years we should outsource prison places and low and behold...

Now I'd pick somewhere other than some EUSSR holiday camp but it's a move in the right direction.



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Knowing our governments we would end up paying for their relatives to go and visit them and for them to stay out there for a few days.

I'll believe it when it happens

Human rights fanatics will be all over this saying its wrong. 

Legally convicted prisoners are allowed a minimum of three, one hour social visits a month plus official visits with solicitors etc. The Assisted Prison Visit Unit pays travel costs for close family members on low incomes. They will also pay for overnight accommodation where necessary.  Each visitor will be entitled to claim for 26 visits a year. 
This is, naturally, tax payer funded. 




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^^^ then change the law, they are not in there for missionary work.

//The Ministry of Justice says it is "considering all viable options" //


I can't see any mention of the cost of this proposal but it's bound to be prohibitive.  Has the government considered building more prisons?

HM Prison, Belfast, has been mothballed for some time.

It could hold more than 1,000 inmates and there are a great many former prison officers here who would jump at the chance to get back into such lucrative work.

The authorities need to think outside the box.

the root cause of the prison place shortage along with many other serious problems is that the UK has not invested in its public infrastructure. as a result we have a weak state that struggles to do anything well. outsourcing is not going to solve that problem.

I agree TTT, been saying it too particulalry for Lifers.  Would prefer Thailand or similar but hey ho.

Sadly, yes the cost wil beprohibitive.  The Tories have already looked at it.

I wish I had been able to claim expenses when I visited my very sick husband in hospital for seven weeks. But hey ho, prisoners get more perks than ordinary law abiding citizens. 

Of course they do Rosetta, the villain gets more care than the victim these days too.


Thinking about this though, why dont we send some of the 10K+ foreign prisoners there.  No visitors for them surely?

Sounds like a sound plan ymb. Maybe Starmer could open negotiations with, say, Turkey ?

Ship 'em to Australia, just like those Tolpuddle plebs 😏

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