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That's The Way To Do It......

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ToraToraTora | 10:13 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | News
46 Answers

Islamification is becomming an issue all over Europe and I applaud the way this Mayor is dealing with it.

Of course by not giving in to TROP this woman is getting death threats. When are we going to wake up?



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"What do you suggest we do to stop white people being in the minority NJ?"Too late. That horse has long since bolted."...none of them? not a single one? are you sure?"No of course I'm not sure that not a single one does. It was a generality. Rather like saying English people do not play baseball. Yes, I know a few do (so please don’t post me a link) but it’s very much a...
12:36 Sun 08th Sep 2024

I'm stumped as to why they are banning cricket but you seem bowled over

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Well cricket is what the Banglas play, though that is incidental really the main problem is the usual. Muslims wanty everything their way and issue death threats when they don't get it. They are just trying to halt the descent into Monfalconistan.

Just not cricket, etc. When in Rome, do what you're told said a woman channelling her inner Mussolini.

She sounds deranged.


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She sounds impressive.

Funny how people sticking up for their people get labelled the bad guys all the time.

//Funny how people sticking up for their people get labelled the bad guys all the time//

But isn't that (sticking up for their people) what the Bangladeshis community are doing there?

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Yes but they are in Italy with a completely different culture. If they want it like where they came from, kin well stay there.

See how far any of us would get if we went there and started introducing western religion and attitudes.

Perhaps she should get rid of all the folk who, "[Have] given nothing to this city, to our community. Zero,” and see what happens to the local shipbuilding?

TORATORATORA, "If they want it like where they came from, kin well stay there." No doubt a fair few folk in a fair few countries have said exactly the same thing that about the British...

Indeed, the dreaded 'ex-pat community'.

Why would any nationally recognised sport not be for {wherever} ? If citizens wish to indulge why would authorities think it's ok to ban it ?

Sounds like a controlling bunch unfit to be in charge. (Mind you, the same seems to be the case with most authorities here too.)

I can well understand the concerns for the future of Europe but that seems rather a bizarre thing to do.

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the cricket thing is just a distraction. They are clearly sick and tired of TROP generally.

Anna Maria Cisint i salute you,we all know what happens when they get their little toes under the table.

today cricket - tomorrow hijab

what harm is done by a group of men playing cricket in the local park? 

they would not have banned it if white italians were doing it. this is simply bigotry.

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nothing at all this isn't really about the cricket.

it is though. they want to play cricket in a public park and the mayor has decided to make that her business

"what harm is done by a group of men playing cricket in the local park? 

they would not have banned it if white italians were doing it. this is simply bigotry."

No, it wouldn't happen to white Italians because Italians don't play cricket. That's what it's about.

It's about the entire characteristics of a fairly small Italian town being changed because a third of its inhabitants are not Italian and adopt a completely different lifestyle and have a vastly different culture and values to the two-thirds who are Italian. 

The Mayor has recognised that in a fairly short time the town will be like large parts of London, where the white British population is in the minority. 

It's not bigotry. It's concern.

I'm all in favour of anyone banning cricket. The sooner it happens here the better.

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23:12 well explained judge the Islam apologists on here just can't see what we and indeed those in that Italian viallage can see.

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