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Boris Johnson Faces Serious Questions Over His New Business Deal.

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gulliver1 | 12:09 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | News
29 Answers

Johnson failed to diclose details of secret meetings with Amir Adanai a Canadian Citizen who is a  director of offshore Companies based in the British Virgin Islands .Whilst Boris was PM.Before Boris formed his new Company called Better  Earth Limited.



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Brainiac you are neither obliged to read nor reply to any posts on AB so maybe take some of your own advice 😂😂😂
12:15 Sun 08th Sep 2024

Oh give it a rest, gulliver.  Take up a hobby or go for a walk - anything to stop these tedious repetitive posts

Brainiac you are neither obliged to read nor reply to any posts on AB so maybe take some of your own advice 😂😂😂

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And just look who Boris has appointed as his "Vice President"  Non other than Charlotte Owen who he also elevated  to the HOL when he was PM.This young 29 year old lady has come on a lot in such a short time since  serving under Boris as a Junior aide, with just a couple of years work experience.

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Transparency campaigners say there appears to be  "serious public interest Questions to be answered" over the nature  and timeline over Johnsons relationship with his Co-Director Amin Adnani..Oh dear.

Is there any supporting material for this latest fantasy?

like a link? ^

Auntypoll your dead right. Have a look on the news section, you will find repetitive posts about SK but thats appears to disappear over their heads. Like you say don't read if you don't like. Gulliver. No good putting serious question to a complete clown. :0))

This is THE ANSWER BANK! If you post surely you should as a QUESTION or answer one?( as opposed to just writing some sort of statement.)

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The advisory committee which oversees ex ministerial appointments warned Johnson that the overlap  between his roles in office and the formation of his new business may entail risks because of lack of transparency over his firms clients.

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12.56 My question is.. Why did Boris take his Vice chair Lady off to the Virgin Islands.

So no link to support this claim as usual then? Just another left wing fantasy, presumably to distract us from the hatchet job Labour are doing on the nation.

Why not have a go at this one?


Could be looking for a new wife :0)

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The same committee told  Johnson that it was feared that his influence .. *god elp us*..could offer unfair access and influence  contracts..He has had plenty of practise... like when he awarded another pretty young lady Baroness Mone £200 Mil Covid supply contract for useless PPE Equipment.

Yes so you say but still no evidence for us to mull over.

I'm sure someone stated this week that the Mones earned their wealth, OG, I was in stiches, more like stole it.

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nicebloke 13.35 He does seem to have had a number of them and ..some who were not his wives.  lol.

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Auntypoll 12.15 for Best answer.😎😎😎

I am sorry but I don't know how to do links . I have just been reading the GOV.UK's  Business Advisory notes on this appointment and they do not seem unduly concerned about Boris' appt. to being co-director of this firm. Perhaps someone could do a link or at least maybe you could all read what they said.

13:45 You don't need to do a link. I want a link from the OP so I know what he wants to discuss.

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