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New Royal Statue Divides Opinion

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naomi24 | 12:21 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | News
32 Answers

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Mine?  Absolutely ghastly!   It could be any unknown elderly couple off to a Sunday morning car boot sale!!  The late queen and duke deserve better.



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I didn't know who they were until I vaguely recognised him.  If he hadn't have been there I wouldn't have had a clue.  Nothing like her at all.

I'm glad the article told us who they were supposed to be, I recognised neither of them!


Were they done by the same chap who modelled the bust of Ronaldo?

Must be an early April Fool 😄

I think the sculpture has made a good effort at the Duke, maybe less so with ER.

But you would know who they're supposed to be.

Nope. Both are unrecognisable and likely a local couple must've been used as the models.

Awful. It bugs me that both their jackets are buttoned the wrong way. I thought at first that some idiot had printed the photo back-to-front but the Duke's hair is parted the right way.

my first thought was: who is it meant to be?

I suppose it's on a par with the Rolf Harris portrait of ER.

I wonder where that is now?

Me no like.

That link shows there are a couple of corgis with them and the dogs look a bit big to me.

Terrible .

it's pretty awful but I don't really care

Only good thing to come out of this is SinnFein/IRA will try to blow it up as soon as possible.

n. I sent your link to a sculptor friend in Santa Fe, he's just replied: "Melt it down !"

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Best thing for it, khandro.

damn; misread as 'status'

Like HRH = I thoght Harry and Andrew might have been bagged up as - His ponciness

statue - looks like two old people going to a car boot ..... how cruel

Can't say I like it. The likenesses are not very good and the Queen looks to be 'doing an Ada & Cissie' (the late Les Dawson & Roy Barraclough) when they plumped up their bosoms.

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