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G.b News

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Clone | 10:25 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | News
26 Answers

Why was GB News the only news outlet at this trial?


Even the reporting of the case was buried by the MSM. My contempt for the MSM and our politicians grows every day. 







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Did you look for it elsewhere?

I had seen it in the Metro paper, but just searched for it and found the story on more than 20 news websites.

The Rotherham MP Sarah Champion has been exemplary in her handling of grooming cases in her constituency.

//The Rotherham MP Sarah Champion has been exemplary in her handling of grooming cases in her constituency.//

Too little too late for many poor girls though isnt it?

Clone, I didn't search for it - I happened to be reading the Mail Online.  

There is another report in today's Mail Online - I wasn't looking for this one, either

The Times were the first to out these pond life years ago, and Breitbart has never been off their backs.

I quite like GB News although I don't watch it that often. They do seem to have a habit of getting rid of their presenters though. To lose one may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose more looks like carelessness.

the Times, the BBC and the Telegraph have all reported it. They'll just have to live with your contempt (though they may wonder why you were unable to find their reports).

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