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It's a blatant abuse of power that he should not have to try to influence politics - but to be fair he does kinda condemn both of them.

He was asked what advice he would give to American Catholic voters and responded based on Catholic doctrines.

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which site rule did i break?

Number 5 - 'Do not post any material that is defamatory ... or otherwise objectionable'

- and whilst you're checking that out please note number 11.

Blind obedience at all times, trespassers will be prosecuted, keep off the grass, PUT THAT LIGHT OUT!

He's six years older then Sleepy Joe Biden, about time the old hypocrite retired.

He should probably keep his nose out.  Although he may have dissed both he could well alienate soem of his flock.  People in a place of "power" such as him, singers, actors, shop keepers should well heed that. 

Freedom of speech does have consequences. (Especially in the UK if you go against 2TKS)


The mail now has conditions it seems. Though you can read it here;

He doesn't like either candidate, which I guess puts him in line with the rest of the world.



Difficult one. I think he has a right to opinions, and to answer questions asked of him, but has also the responsibility anyone with sway has, not to interfere in that which isn't his concern.


Given his response could be summed up as, "A plague on both their houses", it was probably the best he could do in the circumstances.

ok i will rephrase... the catholic church as an institution has a long history of facilitating and covering up child rape... it should have been disestablished by force years ago because it is a threat to vulnerable people everywhere. the pope should keep his beak out of politics but he can't because the office of pope exists to interfere and meddle and abuse. it is an evil office and an evil institution. 

I am no fan of napoleon but the guy knew how to deal with popes

17:33 Bang on Untitled, we don't agree on a lot but on this I am right with you.

I'm sure all the very wealthy evangelists in the bible belt will be backing Trump.

But two wrongs don't make a right.

They should all keep their opinions to themselves.

I don't think he's 'weighed in' exactly.  Backing one over the other would be 'weighing in'.  

Weigh in

1. : to have oneself or one's possessions (such as baggage) weighed. especially : to have oneself weighed in connection with an athletic contest. 2. : to bring one's weight or influence to bear especially as a participant, contributor, or mediator.

Saying "choose the lesser of two evils" seems rather balanced. not really "weighing in".

Maybe he just watched "Master & Commander" - choose the lesser of two weevils?

the pope erm all life is worthy, what about choice in an overpopulated world, disease hunger want! proselytising from a palace, and from a man who never married let alone has children, telling everyone else you must not use abortion, paedophilia corruption, clean up your own house first, let priest marry for a start...weirdo

I don't think he's a weirdo (strangely). I think he is well-meaning but indocrinated & self-serving.

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