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Maybe he wasn't a sex offender when he was released.

I can't find a report that tells us why he was in prison.

//The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said the early release scheme was necessary because it had "inherited prisons in crisis and on the brink of collapse".//

Shame you can no longer send your unwanted down here🤣

Was this the same man that was arrested for the unwanted touching over clothing of the woman escort taking him to his bail address? 

Seems to me he didn't want early release 


//Shame you can no longer send your unwanted down here🤣//

You got most of them already - dog botherers etc.🤣🤣

I`m just curious as to whether they count the private prisons in their total capacity, if not they need to be topped up to near maximum. Some prisons have space within their walls for pre built units as used in the pod prisons so they could be utilised quite easily as much of the infrastructure is already in place.

They're no longer in our gene pool Davebro, but if you would like to reintroduce them, apply for a visa😪

Then the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is clearly a bunch of lying toads. Look at previous threads here and you see lots of alternative actions suggested.

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1ozzy: "They're no longer in our gene pool Davebro" - saying something so demonstrably ignorant proves that they are still well established in the gene pool.

//saying something so demonstrably ignorant proves that they are still well established in the gene pool.//

But the likes of you aren't TTT, thank  *** Christ 😇

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Letting Criminals Out Early.....

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