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Tobacco Company Owned An Inhaler Company?

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wolf63 | 09:15 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
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One product causes the problem, another tries to relieve the symptoms of it. They catch customers coming and going.

In Dublin Guinness funded the building of a doss house.  Most of the residents would have wound up there because they started on their products.

A bit like Nobel prizes.

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Did they make much from the doss house, or was it genuine altruism ?


I think it was genuine.  They gave £50,000 for social housing and the Iveagh Hostel towards the end of the 19th Century.

Altruistic Capitalism ?  Don't make me laugh.

I remember the Marlborogh company buying Vectura, it was headline news a few years ago.  Cancer Research UK wasn't impressed

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Tobacco Company Owned An Inhaler Company?

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