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Hotels For Illegals...doorways For Our Own....

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ToraToraTora | 09:54 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | News
6 Answers

No wonder they get a little peeved. No this is not a go at Labour it's a go at both hues of government. Can these politicians not get there heads together and come up with something between them? Yes cross party, get it sorted.



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Not hotels, barracks.

Folk had the option of voting for a party who looked interested in actually doing something, but the left tended to return to their traditional vote, the right tended not to support the last shower in power, and now everyone has five years to repent at leisure.

The fear of being accused of racism trumps everything else.

The "Simmering anger" will boil over, next time hopefully the rioters will stay away and protests can be heard.

Still be labelled "Far right" of course by the far left Labour Government, Chairman Starmer doesnt care.

i think it's just gotten out of control, for this government and the last, should have been nipped it in the bud years ago by force if necessary, but the echr is the road block, and it's so obvious, hungry has the right idea, but id go further then them.

All the way to Rwanda ?

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