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Anyone Feel Sorry For Them ?

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gulliver1 | 10:54 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
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The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid paying tax.9,500 millionares will leave the UK this year because of The new Labour Government chasing them for tax. Well done Sir Keir.



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johny - these super-rich have more money than they know what to do with except keep counting it. What they don't like is people taking it off them and will go to any lengths to stop that.
12:36 Sat 21st Sep 2024
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Tory motto Rob the poor to help the rich, always has been, always will be.

“Wonder which Country the Pimlico Plumber  with the Halloween face will choose ?”

I don’t normally get involved in your threads, gully, for obvious reasons. However, on this occasion I can add a bit to your knowledge base without, hopefully, setting off a chain of nonsense.

Charlie Mullins (aka “The Pimlico Plumber) is leaving the UK – taking all his assets with him - to share his time between Dubai and Spain.

"As he prepares to set sail saying . I refuse to pay  a penny of my fortune to this Labour Govt." 

That’s not what he said at all. In fact he said “I’ve nothing against paying reasonable amounts of tax,” he added. “But there is nothing reasonable about this Government’s plans to soak the rich.”

"Should lock them up now until they have paid all taxes due ...Don't let them escape until they have."

Mr Mullins has, in fact, paid £120m in tax over the years - presumably all which was due. He is in the process of moving his assets and has said: “I'll have no investments here, no bank account here. It's all in the process now. I think my last tax bill is January and that's me done.”

He grew up in poverty on the Rockingham Estate in London’s Elephant and Castle and left school at 15 with no qualifications. He accumulated his wealth through hard graft and perseverance. Just the sort of person the country needs and will thrive on. Unfortunately this government would prefer to have 90% of nothing rather than 45% of something.

you'll never get the radicalised 5Cers to see that judge.

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"They pay their taxes, johnny" Then why are they leaving to go and live in Tax Havens ,  if they pay there taxes.

Am I just being stupid ?

will taxing them make them poorer ?


will taxing them just make them a little less even more richer ?

I mean if say 

I put £100 in a bank account which is paying 10% interest 

I would get £10 after  year

if tax  was 50% 

I would have £105 in my account?

 I would get £5 for doing absolutly nothing ?

I I were to have 100 million pounds in the same account I would then get 5 million pounds for doing absolutely nothing



Read New Judge's post. 

^that to Gulliver.

"I would get £5 for doing absolutly nothing ?"

No you wouldn't Johhny. You would get £5 for lending your hard-earned to somebody else. It is the government who would get £5 for absolutely nothing.

"Am I just being stupid ?"

I'm afraid I can't answer that.

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Rocco Forte said even before the GE that if the UK does not elect the Goverment he wants  to rule the UK  then he will be leaving also .So the wealthy super rich think they can choose a government for us now.

when I said doing nothing I meant phsyically but that £5 towards the needy elderly needing their fuel allowance !

One of the worst of these tax-dodging chancers is a certain character called Lewis Hamilton.He seems to get a free pass from the left-wingers on this site.Now i wonder why that would be?

No, Gulliver.  The wealthy know they can't choose a government for us - but they can choose where they invest their money.


What's with the 'us' anyway?  You say you don't live here.  😂 

"...Lewis Hamilton.He seems to get a free pass from the left-wingers on this site.Now i wonder why that would be?"

I'd have expected less racism from one with long standing relations with Ugandan fish gutters.
Maybe it's really just a jealousy thing.


Nigerians actually Dougie.Why racism?

My mistake, you were referencing his unique take on clothing.

The tax loss is minimal - most of the super-rich avoid it with offshore schemes. 

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Was Sunak's wife part of this "I don't pay tax because I'm rich Brigade" When she was flouting the tax system under the "Non Dom" Rules even when her husband was chancellor.

That last post sounded a bit racist gulliver.You are not jealous are you?

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Looking back and thinking about my post @ 14.20 .It's hard to believe that the then Chancellors own wife, while he was collecting taxes from everyone else ,,,She was doging paying her share of tax on a vast fortune It's unbelievable.

That last posting sounded a bit racist gulliver.You are not jealous are you?

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