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Foreigner Who Clubbed Man To Death Will Not Be Deported To Protect Mental Health

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webbo3 | 13:44 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | News
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Its  nonesense like this that makes people angry, he has enough nous to play the system, so the British tax payer has to continue to pay through the nose to support him

Can't the Ugandan authorities protect his mental health instead ?

Another stream of xenophobia coming up.

Dunno what the word is but it's violent murdererophobia for me!

14:34 another stream of lefty 5C criminal loving BS comming up. Why do lefties love criminals and terrorists?

When he (probably) re-offends the TROB will say "lessons will be learned" no doubt.

As has been proven many time in the past, Canary doesn't understand what xenophobia means. 

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Foreigner Who Clubbed Man To Death Will Not Be Deported To Protect Mental Health

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