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gulliver1 | 10:38 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
15 Answers

Labour looks to reset relationship with the EU.After Brexit  got the UK well and truly done.The EU has opened the door for the UK to  ramp up the Undoing of Brexit within the coming years and also their relief of a better relationship now that a more mature Labour Govt is in charge of the UK. Sir Keir says he wants to start by negotiating a better deal with Brussels than the one Boris signed without reading it first.



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It's the EU that needs to get over it's hissy fit & do the re-setting. No need for the UK to offer concessions.

No link?

I'll do it for him since he's incompetent:

This news is a month old - and we've talked about it before.

Not reversing Brexit then, just achieving Brino ?


BTW the last word in the title should be spelt, w o r s e.


(Although worserer would be accepted.)

" more mature Labour Govt is in charge of the UK."

Oh stop it, you're making me laugh.

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WE.  Could even be back in the EU before the next General Election. Now that would certainly get This ...."More mature Labour Govt"           re/elected for another five years .

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10.51 CBN ,,22/09/24

What's with the "WE" gully - you ain't one of us, you're a deserter!

Is it just a coincidence that the Germans want a deal that allows young Germans, aged 18 - 30 to study in the UK , which just happens to be the age group of most migrants into Germany?

Gulliver. Why do you hate our country and the people who live in it so much, that you not only continually run it down, rejoice in the pain we are suffering, and will continue to suffer under this Government, that you want us to rejoin this most corrupt organisation?

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11.15   It worked then ,,,lol,

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11.29 Gramps "Rejoice in the pain we are suffering " You voted for Brexit, now you have the pain,,,self inflicted.

Gulliver. If you read my question you will see that I was refering to the pain inflicted by this Government, not us leaving the most corrupt organisation called the EU.

There is a major oxymoron in the OP.  In the same sentence it mentions being foolish enough to try to reverse Brexit (presumably justified by the EU reaction to us leaving and hoping that their poor behaviour results in them having their spoilt way) and then referring to having "a better relationship", having just mentioned ruining it more than it already is.


Starmer hasn't indicated any better deal as far as I have seen. He's suggested making things worse and pretending it will be better; but that's not the same thing. And it is a contributory cause to his rapidly falling support in the very short time he's been MP.

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