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Lets Have An Investment Summit....but Ban The Richest Man In The World!

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ToraToraTora | 10:14 Thu 26th Sep 2024 | News
55 Answers

Yep it's good old spiteful Labour. Why is he banned? For posting this:

"I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for social media posts"

Absolutely bang on, Labour don't like common sense do they?



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Read it, I would invite him even though I must say I have reservations about him.

One should always listen to all sides.

And as for the Twitter rubbish, its pocket change to him, it's a toy anyone with a brain can see that but no the left are still spitting tacks becasue they dont have their little echo chamber anymore and Musk sacked 80% of the lefty workforce.  And its still running!

TORATORATOTORA, in my capacity as a Mod, are you able to substantiate the claim you made about the release of paedophiles in your post at 10:25?

"One should always listen to all sides."


Surely that is an abuse of being a mod?

Dont you where money is concerned Douglas?

For the avoidance of doubt, I am asking in relation to Rule 16, "...The AnswerBank also reserves the right to remove any false, misleading, unhelpful or irrelevant information..."

Well remove it then and dont use your position as mod to bully people.

if he won't answer TCL then I will ask. 

tora...have any paedophiles been released early from jail in order to make room for rioters?

"I'm not surprised he wasnt invited, Sir 2TK hates anyone who doesnt aqccept his Stalinist approach"

.... do you have any idea what "stalinism" actually is? 🤣

i have noticed you throw the word "communist" around a lot... and it is painfully obvious that you don't know what it means. quite sad really. 

YMB, I am giving him the opportunity to back up his claim or would you rather I delete before seeking clarification?

You're damned if you do and damned if you don't Corby. Delete it and you'll be accused of using your position to manipulate threads you're involved in, leave it and he'll keep throwing the bullying claim about. 


he's not banned, just not invited.  if he wants to get an invite this is possibly not the way to do it.

also wasnt "I don’t think anyone should go to the UK when they’re releasing convicted pedophiles in order to imprison people for social media posts" what he wrote AFTER he wasnt invited?  the article seemed to suggest the tweet that prevented him being invited was a conspiracy theory re using the falkland islands as an internment camp

The point is the peadophiles never made it to prison the names are public knowledge.

TTT agrees with Elon Musk -  doesnt say much for either of them does  it?

Anyway on the radio (R4 0800) it was over the Southport riots and the right of X to publish false information - in the interests of free speech

he's not banned, just not invited.

thx Beddie - a just lesson on " dont believe everything you read on AB"

 the release of paedophiles in your post at 10:25?.... (CBL)

god I wish mods werent so precious

Elon M might have said it, in which case it is a true rep of what Elon said, as retailed by TTT

Now let us decnstruct the situation with an innocent statement

"George IV died in 1838" is clearly false

but I wd say that " my ignorant uncle said George  died in 1838 and the old fool didnt realised it was the year prior"

to my mind isnt false.... 

and we havent even gone near " This statement is false". If it IS false, then the statement is true. And if it is true ( valid) then it is false. Nowhere near. nope this is AB this is

stent ( let them stand, Latin)

tora also said the statement was "absolutely bang on" and repeated it as fact later. it seems as though he was simply lying. 

Tory Party would welcome him, they're running a bit short of billionaire backers dropping a bung to do their bid.

 I am giving him the opportunity to back up his claim or would you rather I delete before seeking clarification?

Gawd, that would mean that you have to delete half his output wdnt it? Haw haw haw

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untitled: 12:43 tell you what I will when you lot get gulliver to substantiate his claims. Deal?

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