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Maybe The Chancellor Is A Secret Member Of A B .....

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ToraToraTora | 09:14 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | News
13 Answers

I think the penny is finally dropping.



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TTT, please rephrase your heading in accordance with the Ed's request for clarity.  I have not a clue what 'B' stands for.  I'm closing this thread and will remove it shortly.

Question Author

which bit is wrong? Surely "the chancellor" is ok??

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A B = answerbank

Sorry, TTT.  I've just realised that you're talking about AB.  With the gap between the letters it read differently.  I've re-opened your thread.  My apologies.  

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You have to put it like that or it becomes Ab because of the way AB burgers about with headings.

Cross posted.

Yes, I know.  I just didn't read it like that. 

Hopefully doubly sorry.

There are some that may have written a large paragraph of their great wisdom to share with other AB members only to see it dissappear on pressing 'Answer Now'; and should that have happened they may now be a bit miffed.


(A pity the web code doesn't save failed posts when a thread has been closed so victims can highlight & save afterwards, in case the opportunity to post later is available.)


One should always crush the embers left in the ashtray, leave no trace.

Thank you, OG.  A double apology was forthcoming - read my post at 9.30 - and wearing sackcloth and ashes as we speak.

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ok so is anyone going to have a go at the actual post or should I start again?

In answer to your question, I'm fairly confident the Chancellor isn't a member of AB.

Maybe she's just following Mrs Sunak's lead.

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Maybe The Chancellor Is A Secret Member Of A B .....

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