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She was outed some time ago on this.  Even the left wing IFS couldnt see it.  And lets face it the books were open to scrutiny, well before the election.  Clearly she didnt bother to read it or more likley the truth is she made the black hole by paying off her Union masters.

The economy was also handed to them in a reasonable state, top end of the G7.  So that was garbage.

A liar or plain incompetant?

Seems very Jenrick pushing.


But in any case, who'd trust a party that failed before when a new party has the main issues as their priority ?

She was rumbled the minute she opened her mouth on the subject.  The only black hole is in Labour's accounting.  They don't have the money to do what they want to do.

It would be helpful if this thread were based on more than just, "Labour could have a budget surplus of £39billion rather than the £22billion black hole it claims it has inherited, former chancellor Jeremy Hunt has said."

What is the £39bn surplus claim based upon?

If you really want to find out go and find it for yourself.

But no, as an ardent leftie quite happy to accept Labours claims but ewveryon else must be investigsated to the nth degree.

The Economist article would appear to be behind a paywall.

This is a quote from the Express article.

“You don’t have to take my word for it, I mean just read this week’s Economist where there’s an article saying that Rachel Reeves could have actually not have a black hole of £22billion but a surplus of £39billion.”

Did Jeremy Hunt actually say that?

You and several others have turned into the type of poster that you have accused others of being prior to the election.

très ennuyeux


The Economist article can be read here and it shows £17bn of the surplus requires a change in the definition of public debt and excluding the amount lost by the Bank of England through quantitative-easing.

I've had some entertainment the last few days reading all the news threads of the past 2 weeks. There seems to be a frantic search for some wrong doings of the present government and I must say, all in vain. This thread is even stretching "could" to the max. :0))

No frantic search required. There's an abundance.

David small, you took the words right out of my mouth.  

And a lovely mouth it is too.

I think your best bet would be to keep an eye on the front door of number 10,  see if you can spot any birthday cake being  delivered. :0)))

Birthday cake is the least of this government's worries.

Nicebloke 12.18.  'Search in vain'?  This Government is exposed with wrong doings almost on a daily basis.  In the short time they have been in power they have found out for what they are. Freeloaders, not just Starmer, but the whole cabinet.  No Government has had one of their own MP's desert the party in such a short time as this Government has, in protest at the way a Prime Minister behaves, or misbehaves.

Could this be the catalyst for a reversal of winter fuel issue?

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Oh Dear, Reeves Is Rumbled......

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