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One In Three British Young People Would Vote For Trump

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youngmafbog | 15:11 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
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OK, I know its a poll but this really did surprise me.  Not exactly what we are led to believe is it?

Do the usual to read.




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One in three British young people tend not to pay attention when asked questions. 😊

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OK, probably not accurate but it is far larger than I would have thought given what we are fed by the  MSM.  From that I would have said about 5% not 33.

Polls whilst not all accurate often give a loose trand.  They can of course be manipulated too.

From what I read recently, young people don't like being asked direct questions. It stated that they also don't like using the phone because that usually means bad news and by using text etc, they have time to formulate the "right" answer. if this is true I would have thought any poll would be told the first notion that came to mind, irrespective of it being right or wrong.

It shows how vulnerable youngsters are to rabble rousing.


"OK, probably not accurate but it is far larger than I would have thought given what we are fed by the  MSM.  From that I would have said about 5% not 33."

I haven't noticed the BBC stating that young people in the UK don't like Trump. Have you?

Maybe the female respondees to this poll,have seen the frontal version of the Trump statue?

Why would this question even be asked of British young people? Most can't be bothered with UK elections, don't have a say in US elections,  so why on earth would they be interested in Trump?

Surprised they look up from their phones long enough to notice what is going on.

what was the sample size?

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One In Three British Young People Would Vote For Trump

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