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What Are Uk Forces Doing Engaging In A...

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sandyRoe | 08:34 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
17 Answers

... quarrel in a faraway place between people of whom we know little?



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//The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing. //

a very good question. why is the uk scrambling f35s to defend a country which has invaded its sovereign neighbour? why should uk taxpayers be paying for that? 

Because we regard them as an ally?

Because they are fighting our enemies, i.e Your terroist mates.


08.52 What a pathetic stupid  answer.

All part of the vermin control initiative. Israel is doing us all a favour and it would be remiss of us not to assist.

I bet there's a lot of hand wringing going on in the Labour party at the moment. Most of them love terrorists. I am grateful that the PM at least is on side but I think this can only damage him in the wider party.

uk forces intervene in loads of places far away.


"What are UK forces doing" etc?  They are doing exactly what they have been instructed to do by Keir Starmer and his government.  What's the problem?

spungle: "What's the problem?" - it upsets our own muslim invading force and their Quislings supporters.

is our support for israel really unconditional? are we just going to let them do whatever they want? 

Most folk (I hope) have morals, have a basic knowledge/belief in, of right and wrong. As such they have the option to spot things going wrong in the world and consider whether helping out of the oppressed is a practical option. This is why one may well engage in issues beyond our own doorstep.


In order to gain support though, there usually needs to be a case made showing benefit to those considering getting involved. (Humans are not keen on spending their wealth and enduring hardship without knowing what's in it for them.) These justifications can take many forms, but helping an ally who is being attacked (either recently or continually) is a good reason, and preventing tyrants in the process of trying to expand their empire, which could easily end up reaching one's own doorstep, is another excellent justification.


We are all on the same planet, it behoves us to try to make it as decent a home for all as possible. Aggressive regimes must, therefore, be opposed and hopefully removed from spreading their appalling attitude by showing all that they don't gain from it.

Good post OG.

Israel are the only functional democracy in the Middle East and for that reason alone, we should be supporting them.

The usual snide comments about loving terrorists from supporters of the Party which gave £5bn taxpayers money to a terrorist-supporting organisation. Hypocrites.

10:41 well there would not be any if you and others like you did not always favour terrorists. It ain't rocket is it?

The far left (especially the communists) love terrorists TTT.  Plain to see from this site alone.

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