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Tory Conference, Leader Candidates Speeches.....

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ToraToraTora | 12:49 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

Of the four I have to say KB impressed me the most. Tugendhat was a dissappointment. Cleverly and Jenrick very formulaic. So for me it's out of Badenoch and Tugendhat even though he dissappointed here. Over to you....



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The Tories may as well vote mickey mouse in as their leader for what good it will do them The Public will take a long time if ever to forget the damage they did to the Country over the last 14 years. You can say bye bye to the Cons for at least the next ten years.🤣

Not the way Starmer's going - he'll be out quick shakes.

Liz Truss for me 😀

Why isn't she in the contest ?


Boris for me ...keep them out for fifteen years.

There's nothing noteworthy in any of them as far as I can see.  After just a few months of this Labour government there's not a chance in hell they'll be trusted again, and if the Conservatives can't produce a more dynamic leader than any of the current candidates, we will, I believe, see Reform nudge the lot of them into also rans.   I think the electorate is sick to the back teeth with the lot of them.

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whoever wins will most likely be the next PM. Labour are rapidliy disintegrating.

None of these 4 would win a general election in my opinion. They'd be better off persuading Sunak to stay until another leader emerges over the next couple of years.

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