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Hezbollah Agreed To Ceasefire Before Nasrallah Assassinated

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Untitled | 06:33 Fri 04th Oct 2024 | News
21 Answers

so says Lebanon's foreign minister (who is not hezbollah) 

"We agreed completely. Lebanon agreed to a ceasefire but consulting with Hezbollah. The [Lebanese House] Speaker Mr. Nabih Berri consulted with Hezbollah and we informed the Americans and the French what happened. And they told us that Mr. [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu also agreed on the statement that was issued by both presidents [Biden and Macron.] 

White House senior adviser Amos Hochstein was then set to go to Lebanon to negotiate the ceasefire, Habib continued. "They told us that Mr. Netanyahu agreed on this and so we also got the agreement of Hezbollah on that and you know what happened since then,” the foreign minister added."

is Israel going rogue?



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israel today bombed a medical clinic in beirut without issuing warnings

"White House senior adviser Amos Hochstein was then set to go to Lebanon to negotiate the ceasefire..."


At the point Nasrallah was taken out there was no ceasefire so he was fair game - it is good that the leader of a terrorist organisation has been killed.


No, Israel are not going rogue.


Why would Israel want a ceasefire ? Their agenda is to crush the enemies of Hamas & Hezbollah who have been ceaselessly attacking them with objective of the total annihilation of all Jews and Israel itself.

Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire.....Israel didn't!

Terrorists tend to do that when they are on the back foot.  Gives them time to regroup and rearm.

The useful idiots cant see this though.

YMB: "The useful idiots cant see this though." - well you are half right, they are not very useful.

There aren't being asked to arrange a ceasefire any more. They had decades to achieve a permanent ceasefire and it has gone way beyond that. Their target, Israel, has decided that the only solution left is the obliteration of their attackers in order to bring about a permanent peace.  (No doubt they were happy to let whatever irrelevant talks others wanted to continue in the meanwhile.)


Besides it isn't Lebanon's government, who have proved themselves unable to remove Hezbolla, who were needing much in the way of talks. Having proven for years they were impotent they just needed to be kept informed along with the rest of the world, as to what was happening at the relevant time.


It isn't rogue to do what has proven to be necessary to protect oneself against evil acts and the individuals who perform them.  It is at worst, selecting the lesser of many evils, regrettable though the situation is.

OG ; Hear, hear !

Hezbollah had not agreed to a ceasefire! No ceasefire talks were held. What we have is Lebonon's foreign minister( who knew)    ...   who is not hezbollah, saying after the event" We agreed completely.(Lebonon that is) Lebonon agreed to  a ceasefire but consulting with hezbollah." i.e The Lebonese foreign minister agreed with hmself that there should be a ceasefire but consultation with hezbollah was necessary. Comprehension, comprehension, comprehension. 

The evil regime in Iran, finance both Hamas & Hezbolah, their agenda is clear. What would you do ?

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i might be wrong but i simply don't believe that the iranian regime is going anywhere any time soon... which means all that is left is to negotiate with it as obama did. the current president has expressed a lot of interest in restoring that deal and in introducing reforms to iran internally... he is a person with whom the west can do business. 

If the authorities are hit hard enough the expectation is that the local population will be able to rise up and ensure the regime goes somewhere.  They need more determination than was found in Afghanistan though.

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i think that's a fantasy old geezer. even if there was a revolution in iran there is a good chance that it would be led by the military and end up as bad or worse. revolutions are unpredictable things and they do not always turn out well. 

Hezbollah doesn't appear to have wanted a ceasefire until Israel fought back.

'That [the removal of Nasrallah] was not the view of many Lebanese civilians. Indeed, the death of Nasrallah has been joyously welcomed by millions of Christians, Muslims – Sunni and Shia alike – Druze, Bedouins and Kurds throughout the Middle East and wherever they have found refuge. Children were filmed handing out sweets in Syria. Members of the Syrian Rebellion wrote a banner in Hebrew thanking Israel which read, ‘With killing Nasrallah you have illuminated the road for peace. A blessed start’. Lebanese Christians delivered impassioned soliloquies to camera about the destruction Palestinians and Hezbollah had wrought on their country. Iranians waved flags and let off fireworks outside the Israeli embassy in London giving thanks to the Israeli army for ridding them of the butcher of Beirut. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech directly addressing Iranians saying, ‘When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think, everything will be different. Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace.’

Where did that come from, khandro?  Overly optimistic I'd say.

^^ Rebecca Weisser in The Spectator Australia, today.

She needs to remove her rose tinted spectacles.

Nah,Hez bo llah hasnt got the b*lls to do a ceasefire.

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