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How Labour Is "Solving" The Invasion.........

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ToraToraTora | 09:32 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | News
5 Answers

"Wahag reveals that the Home Office has now granted him leave to remain in Britain." - Well I'll go to the foot of our stairs!

"The decision came much more quickly than he expected. His is one of many asylum claims processed since Labour won the election, as it begins to tackle a backlog of applications." - Yeah let them all in, problem solved. As predicted before the election.

"He says he is "happy" Labour is now in power." - Of course he is!

So there you have it people, as predicted, open door policy.



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//"The previous government, they wanted to deport us but now they are making the procedure easier for us," he says.// - So get here, stay here is the message, anyone think that's going to reduce the number of deaths in the channel?

Utterly insane, they don't even have to go to infiltration school any more.

Exactly as expected.

And Sir Free gear two tier tier gets another voter

Unsurprised he is happy with a government that has seemingly surprisingly granted residency to an illegal immigrant, one that admits they went through many safe European countries first, and no reason given for this decision. One can only hope all such abuse will be reconsidered when some sane politicians are found and elected into power.


Meanwhile, if he feels worried he can always return to France where he must be safer as they are happy with illegal immigrants going through their borders unchecked.

We knew this would happen even before this mottley crew were elected.   That's one way to clear the backlog - and with more people arriving practically daily, no doubt the 'frontlog' too.  God help this country!

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How Labour Is "Solving" The Invasion.........

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