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Reeves Urged To Scrap Free Prescriptions For 60- To 65-Year-Olds

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webbo3 | 09:34 Thu 10th Oct 2024 | News
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Yes, you are coming up tp retirement and indeed just a few years back women would be retired.

The big problem is that many in this age group who have worked in a manual job will be suffering from it.  Of course no account was taken of this when continually hiking the retirement age as Government and Civil servants all work in offices and dont have a clue.


Well I used to be. I'm just ancient now. Perhaps I should change mt site name.


Ancient_ Geezer ?

//The upshot of this will be people stop or be unable to afford buying their medicine and end up in hospital, putting an even bigger strain on the system. //

Spot on - talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

Yes and I am no longer young, I need to be oldmafbog now!

Well exactly davebro but labour would rather implemtn their ideology athan get the country going.

Sir 2TK has bet the house on growth but is proceeding to to everything in his power to stop it.

Madness, utter madness in fact.

lol ymb.

prepayment certificate is a tenner a month for as many prescriptions as you need


davebro, this was referring to something else but a person said recently " not so much shooting oneself in the foot but blowing the B****y leg off".

So even that would be £120 a year additional "taxation".

Fine for me, I really dont care but for someone on a low wage?

Not so lol now is it?

surely if people are getting something for nothing, it has to be paid for by *someone*

that's just the law of economics?

yet people dont want to pay more tax.

// if people are getting something for nothing,//

But that is plain wrong isnt it?

Working people do pay its only those who live off benefits all their lives that dont.

The NHS is NOT free.

//yet people dont want to pay more tax.//

No, especially when it is being raised to pay for ideological projects.

You left just dont understand do you?

Don't forget this would only apply to people living in England.

Everyone living in NI, Wales and Scotland gets free prescriptions 

so  we agree these "old people" are working age tax payers - in which case they can pay for their own prescriptions, like other working age tax payers


i thought it was far from a "left" idea that people look after themselves, and the state was small?

I'm an OAP still paying tax, I don't mind an increase if I see it helping to improve the living standards of people but I don't. What annoys me is what happens to this extra tax and where it ends up.

"The NHS is NOT free"

exactly!  and that includes pharmacies and medicines.

we seem to be violently agreeing here :)

ps i was loling at your username comment

Yes working age who have in many cases spent a lifetime grinding away and paying.  Bones and body are knackered at 60 but you dont seem to care as I suppose you are ok.

Very caring arent you, just like the current labour lot.

nicebloke, how about you answering my post at 10.06 then as you love this government so much.  How will pensioners be better off this year as stated by the 2 I mentioned?

i am a bit confused.  Do you want people to get free everything, and increase peoples taxes to do so, or would you prefer that people try to look after themselves, including paying for stuff they need?

it's not about "personal" (although if it was, i am disabled and have  been since my 20s.  i pay for all my prescriptions, of which i need 7 per month)

some people who are 60 may well be knackerd, but so are some people in their teens, 20s 30s 40s and 50s

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