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They Just Can't Help It Can They?

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ToraToraTora | 11:59 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

Gobby minister flushes £1bn down the khazi. Better squeeze some more out of the pensioners then!


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so what TTT uused to start up to five  a day in the good olde days of Brexit !

lets hear it for TTT! - if it is worf ( note mockney dialect) saying once then it is worf ( mockney again!) saying again

and again... and

You just can't help it can you.

12.40 That  was meant  for TTT .

Hi Gullz - just taken codeine ( cough) and had the flu jab so dont expect me to make sense ! ( pun intended)

dog very clinging and attentive ( + mournful looks) , so she knows Something is Going On

Hi Peter.  Get well soon .

I wouldn’t bother reading TTT’s or the other rabid Tory posters' on here, criticising the current Labour government.


Should this Labour government start acting with the same level of industrial scale criminality and corruption of the last 14 years of Tory rule – you can guarantee that I will be posting full details on AB.

//I wouldn’t bother reading TTT’s or the other rabid Tory posters' on here,//

Why? You expected people to read your rabid Labour postings.

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