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Jailed For 31 Months After Calling For Hotels Housing Asylum Seekers To Be Set On Fire.

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Canary42 | 18:50 Thu 17th Oct 2024 | News
7 Answers

I wonder where that puts the Aber who suggested gunning them down in the channel.

(I can't find thread at present, perhaps the Mods realised the legal consequences)



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That was pre-riot, Canary, when a blind eye was turned to suggesting mass murder.

That all changed when the toffs realised they could be next though.

different facts, different poonie - poonie - punition, punishment.

seems rather obvious to me

Wasn't there a lady who did something similar in the immediate aftermath of the riots who got off with little more than a slap on the wrist?  She must have been very lucky with her judge.

yeah but no but

she wasnt the wife of a councillor and people didnt go out on the streets and do as she said

Word on the street was that it may have been a class thing, Sandy.

Same social level as the judge.

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